Item #: 44085
Price: Login


    Within the class of diester-based lubricants, this broad-spectrum product is a field-proven, equivalent substitute for such oils as the original Anderol 500 & 750, Chemlube 501 & 751, and other popular oils for breathing air compressors. Diester oils are so stable and oxidation-resistant that once-a-year oil changes have become commonplace. Carbon residues from these lubes are minimal and are easily removed. Their high flash point (around 500* F) prevents explosive accidents. Because of its viscosity characteristics, this oil is suitable for use in both new and older machines and is recommended worldwide by various compressor manufacturers. Gallon bottle.

    Viscosity Index: 97

    Viscosity cSt at 40 degrees C: 100

    Viscosity cSt at 100 degrees C: 11.5

    Flash Point degrees F: 485

    Auto-Ignition Point degrees F: 835

    Pour Point degrees F: -35

    Four Ball, 40 Kg, 1200 RPM, 167 degrees F,:

    1 Hr, Scar Dia mm: 0.4

    Four Ball Weld Point, Kg: 125

    Copper Corrosion, 24 Hr: 1a

    USDA Authorization: H-2

    Rust Test for Distilled Water: PASS

    Rust Test for Sea Water: PASS

    Demulsibility, 130 degrees F, 30 Min: 40/39/1